To all the fellow pit bull lovers/owners out there - and dog owners in general.
I just wanted to let everyone know that in order to help with the fight against breed specific legislation, and to encourage positive education about pit bulls (and how they aren't children eating monsters after all!), I believe that it is important that all of us stick together... pit bull owners, all dog owners alike - the more numbers we have, the more likely ignorant politicians and bias media is likely to report and listen to OUR side of the story in regards to these wonderful dogs.
After all, isn't the main motto to punish the deed, not the breed?
My name is Violet, and I am the owner and creator of The Pit Bull Project.
I am also the co-founder of the "pit bull" co-op, which is an Ontario group dedicated to the pit bull breeds; all members meet once-twice a week with their dogs to exchange ideas and information, to socialize the dogs with one another, to encourage the growth of a 'pit bull' community in Ontario (and across the country for that matter), and to create an opposition to breed specific legislation.
More information on the group can be found here:
And The Pit Bull Project:
I'm glad you have this blog about pit bulls. My wife and I love pit bulls and people have the wrong idea about them. Pit bulls are actually very playful and great but if you use them for fighting of course they will be aggressive. I just wanted to thank you for your blog.
And thank you for your support. I put the blog on not only to share any valid information that might come my way, but also welcome any suggestions and will be posting information that people swing across me that they feel should be shared with everyone in regards to our bully breeds :)
I adopted a beautiful 5 year old American Pitbull this past July 06...I believe she was meant to be mine...I had a feeling all weekend to go to the shelter...but I kept fighting the urge...well I gave up that particular Monday morning and went...and there Meisha was...looking at me with those big brown eyes...I think she chose me to be her Momma and I'm so very glad I found her...she's brought much happiness into my life as well as laughter...
Please...punish the abuser...not the precious breed...their so loyal and loving...Thank you for keeping these beautiful creatures alive...
Pit bulls are very playful and good with kids but if you use them for fighting of course they be mean and any one who raises them for fighting should not be allowed to own any animals ever.
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